Saturday, April 21, 2007
SMS From Hugo
Selamat hari Kartini, Bi!
sender : Hugo

I received this sms about an hour ago, and i replied with : I don't celebrate Kartini's day, but thanks anyway.

For me, it's very unfair to celebrate the birthday of a woman who *only* wrote letters complaining how hard being a (Javanese) woman in Indonesia that era, apa kabar pejuang perempuan lainnya? Mereka ga melakukan hal yang less berguna kok.

Besides, what Kartini fought for is not gender-equality at all. She wanted every woman be more skillful in domestic area. Sekolah keputrian bo~!

Agak mengherankan buat gue. Selama itu belum terjawab, gue ga mau ngerayain Kartini...


posted by biyan at 3:26 AM | Permalink |